Distance Treatment, ruptured Achilles tendon—Germany. “I felt a kind of softness in the muscles of the calf and that feeling of softness extended down to the foot. That was a very good feeling. After 45 minutes, the area around the tendon was really relaxed and without pain. I didn’t stand up because I was tired.
I needed some time to fall asleep thereafter. Something which is remarkable: in the night I had lots of dreams (good ones, no nightmares), to which I could remember in the next morning. That is absolutely not normal for me.
Over the whole next day up to now I realized that I could move much more relaxed than in the days before your treatment because the pain has become fewer. It isn’t away, but the difference is significant. Yesterday I could start some gym and sport exercises recommended by my doctor which I didn’t expect to begin for several more weeks. The doctor told me that a more relaxed movement caused by pain reduction is very important for the convalescence, so this is a big help for me.
I don’t know what you have done. I didn’t expect a lot of changes and therefore the result is remarkable. So, thank you very much for that all!” . . . W.P.