First of all, congratulations on listening to your heart and exploring new alternatives to enhance your life. And, if you have found this website, you are ready!! Your willingness to expand your consciousness and healing gifts and be of further service to your friends, family and the community at large have brought you to this place now. No further experience is necessary and we look forward to serving you.
Yes! Avesa is much more than offering hands on healing. It is an attunement to a way of remembering our own Divine roots. Avesa will bring you to a new level of consciousness, new heights of heart-centered awareness, and expand your wisdom. Avesa will give you the energy and tools to more effectively and easily navigate all areas of your life, personal and professional. Avesa recognizes that we all are healers within and each of us uses that energy for the service that resonates with our heart and natural talents.
Yes, you can send Avesa energies to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Avesa energies are not limited to time and/or space. Whether someone is in your physical presence or on the other side of Gaia, they will receive the benefits of Avesa energies you apply.
Sri and Kira as well as many of our Avesa Master Teachers are Reiki Masters and Masters of other healing modalities. It is their experience that Avesa has truly transformed their lives with, among other things, a more consistent connection to Source, an ever expanding experience of bliss, clear access to Truth, and the ability to offer their clients even greater levels of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual support and healing. You will be amazed at how much more effective and powerfully transformative your current modalities are when offered within the framework of an Avesa Balancing or Atlantean Healing Chamber™ Session.
Here are just a few comments from Avesa Teachers:
“In over 25 years of offering and experiencing complimentary alternative medical modalities, I have not experienced anything, on the receiving or giving end, as powerful as an Avesa Quantum Energy Healing Chamber.”TS, California
“I have coached other workshops before and have also done a lot of personal work. This was AMAZING, life changing and the most wonderful experience of my life!” PB, Washington, DC
Avesa energy came forward to this planet through an energetic lineage of wondrous beings and ascended masters and was kept very secretive prior to the year 2000 because the vibration level on the planet was not ready to receive it. Prior to 2000, the last time Avesa energy was available on this planet was during the late 1800’s when it was used by sages and gurus living in the Himalayas and Tibet. Wisdom Teachers Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa are the lineage bearers of Avesa and prior to 2010 were the only ones teaching and initiating students. It is now time for the love of Avesa to spread throughout the world like Reiki, acupuncture, and other highly effective complimentary alternatives to modern medicine
Avesa Quantum Healing™ is holistic, fully integrative, and can be used with both alternative and traditional modalities. It is complementary alternative medicine at its finest—quickly and powerfully providing greater physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual synergistic connection.
Avesa Quantum Healing™ creates a sacred space in which your own Creative Energy is accelerated so you can experience and enhance the amazing wonder of your own unique Expression of Energy as a conscious, co-creative, human being. So you can easily feel, connect with, and use the incredible vibratory, pulsating, multidimensional nature of your entire being to achieve health, happiness and success. Avesa energies used on a consistent basis bring your entire being and life into a harmonic symphony of physical well being; inner peace amidst daily challenges; meaningful, heart nourishing employment and service; mental clarity; true connection with your Divine being-ness; and much more. The benefits are unfailing, tangible and unique to each person as we are each a very unique aspect of the One.
Attending Avesa Level One is a profound gift that opens the doorway for your greater expression of activated love and light in the world. The culminating segment of this extraordinary experience trains and offers you the opportunity to be certified in the Avesa Balancing Technique. Once certified, you can incorporate this process easily into other modalities or offer it as a stand alone practice. We also have a home study program to assist you in starting a highly successful healing practice.
Whether you decide to use the many healing gifts of this technique simply for the benefit of yourself and your family or to share it with others is up to you. Remember, that all Avesa Balancing techniques are spiritually based and practiced through your right as an ordained minister or as part of a healing modality that you may already be certified and licensed to practice. Please check with your state as to the legality of opening your healing practice. (Ministerial Ordainment through TOSA is also available to all Avesa graduates!)
Yes! Pets respond extremely well to Avesa energies and can best be served by sending the energies to them even if they are in your physical presence.
Go to the Course Dates tab and then click on the Teacher/Contact link for the course you are interested in. You may also visit, where you will find even more course explanations and the ability to register. If you prefer, you may also call us at: 1-877-486-8786.
Self Ascension has numerous courses to assist you on your path of realization.
In addition to Avesa training, we highly suggest that everyone consider gifting themselves with the 9 week journey: Navigating the Inner Matrix Home Study Course.
This amazing program which is completed at your pace and in the comfort of your own home is changing the lives of people worldwide. Here are just a few testimonials from course graduates:
“I believe it’s impossible to take this course and not experience a profound shift in your experience of life—regardless of how far along you think you are on your spiritual journey!”
“Over 30 Self Ascension Coaches in my training summed it up with these words: Clarity, Empowerment, Freedom, Love, Trust, Life Changing, Self Mastery, Inner Wisdom, Uplifting, Gratitude, Authenticity.”
“The Inner Matrix course is profoundly moving and the most advanced method for someone to raise their frequency of anything I have studied or discovered in my 23 years of being a trans-formational retreat director”.
Quantum Clairvoyance training will let you quickly and easily access higher states of consciousness to get clear and concise information to help guide you and others with the challenges of daily living as well as ascending to new heights of conscious awareness.
There are also Essene (Ess See Nah Living) Retreats offered in the heart of the Americas, at TOSA Blue Mountain near Cuenca, Ecuador.
Sri and Kira have written 5 books, developed a Sacred Yoga for Everyone DVD, and offer many CD/DVD series featuring Insoulments, teachings from the Archangelic Realms, and Soul Nourishment.
Sri and Kira as well as many of the Avesa teachers also offer private personal sessions and consultations.
Please visit, and for more information about programs and other support material.
Explore these websites, contact us for more information, and start where your heart feels called.
For questions regarding AVESA programs, please email us
or call us toll free at
877-344-TOSA (8672). We’d be happy to talk further about the courses, answer any questions, and help you to register for the course(s) of your choice!